Individual or business, insurance company or municipality, we are ready to work for you.

Every step we take toward resolving your legal matter is important, no matter how small it may seem. Before we set foot in a courtroom, we review every option for resolving disputes and guide you accordingly.

When you are best served by going to trial, we pledge to aggressively pursue your interests in the courtroom, where you will benefit from over 100 years of our collective trial experience.

If an appeal becomes necessary, you can rely on our reputation for meticulous legal research and appellate proficiency. Our clients, from small business owners to multi-billion dollar corporations, have repeatedly turned to us for appellate representation in federal and state appellate courts.


We are where you are . . . across New York State.

From New York City to Albany in the east, to Lewiston, Buffalo, and Jamestown in the west, Chelus Herdzik Speyer & Monte PC represents corporations, businesses, municipalities, organizations and individuals. We are where you are.


  438 Main Street, Tenth Floor

  (716) 852-3600

  Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 5:00


This is an attorney advertisement. Any information obtained from this website is not intended as substitution for legal advice from an attorney. You should discuss your case with legal counsel.